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Christmas Party December, 5th 2024

December 7, 24 Fun Fly and Runway Work Project
Members, Guests, and Mascot "Moose" All Turned Out to Help

Members, Guests, and Mascot "Moose" All Turned Out to Help

What Crash? And Another one bites the dust...
What Crash? And Another one bites the dust...

Two Wings; Twice the Fun!

Pete's Phenomenal Airshow:

Grandfather and grandson
pushing the enevelpe
Father and Son

Today's Flight LIneup for Brunch Patrol
Now where does that red wire go?
Let's see; P -Factor: tail up; nose left; rudder right? Or is it righty tighty; lefty loosey?

February 6, Club Meeting, President, Dan St. John's "Shop"
Saturday Fly Day
February 8, 25
Sunny, light winds, temperature: high 30s to low 40s
News from the Flight Line:
He is flying a new yellow ugly stick. The first flight went smoothly. Afterwards, the expos were decreased so the second flight was even better. The maiden flight was a terrific success! Only two clicks of right trim are needed to fly hands off. Skylar greased a picture-perfect landing.
The second flight helped get rid of the jitters and he practiced two more successful flights. His new plane is a Gater Hobbies, 77" Ugly Stick with 20 cc gas engine.

Flew his Habu today, logging in 4 great flights.
Dennis, Skylar, and Phil ready Skylar's Ugly Stick for its maiden flight.
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